Saturday, April 08, 2006

Lacklustre participation of campus in democracy.

India is the largest democracy in the world. Election is like foundation of this edifice of democracy and vote is like foundation stone. Every five year witnesses the construction of new building and each of us have right to lay the foundation stone of his choice in the form of their vote It is our social and political responsibility to put the foundation stone of our part .A large section of our country is unable to perform this social and political duty successfully and adult students studying in various institutes all over country constitutes a large part of this section.

Many students, who migrate from their hometown to other cities of country in pursuit of their degree and education in various institutes, feel that they have left their right to vote in their home and now they are playing no part in construction of this democratic building. It is very hapless for a nation that a large section of adult and intelligent people is not taking part in deciding government. Participation of this section is very essential. Educated youths are having power to overcome the prevalent mental inertia of society and to challenge the old political shibboleths which can establish something new and relevant. Cafeterias and canteens of campuses have greatly contributed in origination of many trailblazing ideas for society and nation.

When the country is observing sea change in politics, the campus is sitting silently with finger on their lips and hands folded. The campus also wants the mark of indelible election ink on his fingers but this lethargic system has made them handicapped and they are unable to perform their duty. I am final year student of IIT Kharagpur. A vox populi conducted in my campus has revealed that many of my friends want to use their right to vote but they have no idea how to proceed. Many students from other institutes also feel themselves confined and restricted as they can’t use the suffrage. Election commission has some arrangements for temporary listing of people who have migrated from some other place but students are not having any information about it.

When the question arises that who is responsible for this position then some feel that it is their moral duty to take care about the right of voting, some accuse election commission and some blame institute for it .Whatever is the reason and whoever is the culprit but the point is that lack of participation of youth and campus is ominous for the future of Indian democracy and proper measures should be adapted with serious implementation to ensure this participation.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

nicely narrated ..good

Sat Nov 11, 04:46:00 AM 2006  

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